Monday, May 18, 2009

Seems Like I'm Posting a lot of Stuff from Techcrunch Recently

If things are getting weighted too much to stories from Techcrunch, I apologize. I just wanted to link to two or three stories that I picked up on today that I think are worth a read.

The REAL story behind the 104-Year-Old who joined Twitter, by Mike Butcher is a great post gets down into the heart of an Astroturf vs real Word of Mouth aspect of marketing.

There We Go Again. No, Micropayments Won’t “Save Journalism”, by Robin Wauters is another interesting window into the challenges and conflicts between newspapers, journalism and traditional media versus new media and the web.


Stand Firm Craig (and Jim), by Michael Arrington captures a window into a story you probably won't see in the mainstream media -- Craig's List versus the State of South Carolina. Sometimes, when I see things like that, it reminds me of the great controversy surrounding whether or not it would be okay to sell liquor by the drink... in Overton Square, Memphis, Tennessee about fourty years ago. Can you imagine the horror and the tragedy if such a thing should come to pass?

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